uv upper room sterilizer (20w)-加拿大28

fujian jk yaming electric appliance co., ltd_jk yaming co., ltd - luminaires
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product overview

uv upper room sterilizer (20w)

model:uv upper room sterilizer (20w) light source:led power:20w installation: ip rating:

micro-organisms floating freely in room air is a factor in many diseases. jk’s uvc air purifier for upper room is used to reduce and eliminate the number of airborne organisms as the air is forced by natural convection into the irradiated region. the device is mounted and radiateupwards in narrow directional angle to disinfect the air at 2.1 to 2.8 meters high in the room. in this way, the uvc radiation intensity under 2.1 meters meets the national standards and no person or livestock will be irradiated directly or indirectly by uvc and people can still be present on the floor. therefore, the continuous disinfection is realized in areas where human are present.

the upper room uvc disinfection system has been used and proved for 20 years internationally and highly recommended by iuva (international ultraviolet association). it provides a safeguard for a healthy life with the features of high efficiency, high safety and reliability.

product advantages 

· high efficiency: kill all known bacteria, virus and other micro-organisms including corona virus with killing rate as high as 99.9%;

· safety: no chemicals; no residual; no secondary pollution; disinfect the air in upper room with people activity at safe uv level on floor;

· disinfection duration: 24 hours continuous disinfection;

· high cost effective: low operation cost; only energy and lamp cleaning cost after installation;

· eco-friendly: no ozone emission.

product features

· product description: it disinfects the air in upper room with specially designed reflector and louver while people activities are present on the floor. it ensures long life span of the device with strong profile aluminum;

· reflector: mirror aluminum reflector with high reflection rate to enhance the reflection radiation;

· lamp: high efficient uvc lamp, long lifespan, high reliability, high energy saving and eco-friendly;

· gear box: independent power supply to ensure the best performance and reliability;

· mounting: wall mounted with easy and convenient installation;

· standards: conformance with iec 62471 photo-biological safety.


· suitable for indoor air disinfection, such as health care center, restaurants, hotels, schools, banks, retail stores, etc.


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